How To Make Your Next Job Find You

How to Make Your Next Job Find You

One of the most frustrating aspects of finding a new job is how time-consuming it can be. Between perfecting your resume, scouring through job postings to find opportunities of interest and going on interviews, it takes a lot of time. Most job seekers tend to be reactive in their job search. They go on job boards to find an open opportunity and then apply for it. Then the wait game begins until you hopefully hear back from a recruiter or hiring manager. Being proactive up front can pay big dividends during your job search and help reduce the amount of time you have to spend seeking out job opportunities. It can also bring some opportunities your way that you may not have been able to find on your own.



There are many ways to simplify your job search. When you find a job board you like, whether it’s, a staffing agency job board or a specific company you’d like to work for, take a few minutes to create a user profile. From there, most job boards will allow you to create saved keyword searches. If you set them up correctly, you’ll start seeing relevant job opportunities arrive directly in your inbox as soon as new opportunities become available. If they have a mobile app available, download it to receive notifications right on your phone when new jobs of interest are added.


Create alerts

Set up Google Alerts to receive notifications when jobs of interest are added in your area. If you’ve been invited to an interview, you can also automate your pre-interview research by setting up a Google alert on that specific company to stay up to date on any company news. There are also similar tools such as Hootsuite that you can use to set up alerts for social sites like Twitter to receive notifications when positions of interest are added.


Spread the Word

Mention to all your friends, former co-workers and family that you’re looking for a new job. Share with everyone on social media and send personal messages if applicable. Describe briefly what your main skills are and what kind of opportunity you’re looking for. If they hear of a matching job opportunity, they’ll (hopefully) share it with you. This is also a great way to get notified of opportunities that may only be posted internally.


Work with Recruiters

Seek out staffing and recruiting firms that staff for the type of positions you’re looking for. Apply for any open positions they have available or share your resume even if they don’t have an opportunity of interest at the moment. Make sure to follow up and connect with a recruiter in person if possible. A great way to make inroads is to refer others who might be good candidates for them. Once you’ve made a connection, they’ll keep your resume in mind for future opportunities that you’re a match for.



One of the best tools for job seekers is LinkedIn. If you don’t have a profile, it’s highly recommended you set one up immediately. Here are a few things you can do with LinkedIn to help recruiters find you.

  • Update your status to indicate that you’re looking for a new job.
  • Make sure all sections of your profile are complete and that it matches your resume.
  • Write a few articles in your area of expertise. This is a great way to get noticed by showing off your knowledge to recruiters and potential employers.

Anything you can add or include to make your resume look more impressive could be the difference between a recruiter stopping to take notice and contacting you, instead of just moving on to the next profile.


Maintain Your Brand

In addition to maintaining a LinkedIn profile that’s easy for employers and recruiters to find, you should also consider maintaining your brand in other ways both on and offline. Consider writing articles and blogposts in your field of expertise on any platforms that are relevant. There are many available options such as LinkedIn, creating your own website, posting to Facebook or hosting a pod cast for example. Determine what will work best for your situation. Also consider attending industry events, user group or other networking opportunities for your industry. If you have the opportunity, deliver a presentation to highlight your expertise. These are all great ways to position yourself as an expert and make potential employers take notice. Being invited to speak at events is also a good accomplishment to add to your resume.


Find a Job with iMPact

Find out about our currently available opportunities in Information Technology, Accounting/Finance, Engineering, and Business Administration/Process. Visit our job board or, submit your resume here for general consideration to connect with one of our experienced recruiters in either our Grand Rapids, MI or Tampa, FL location.

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