How to Target a Job in a Specific Company

How to Target a Job in a Specific Company

In addition to seeking out a specific type of job role, sometimes there’s even a specific company you might be targeting. You’ve heard from others about the fun work environment, great management, advancement and growth opportunities, benefits or maybe they make a product that you’re passionate about. The challenge is how do you get them to notice you and give you an opportunity? Or what if they don’t have any matching positions open, but you know you’d be able to contribute to their success.

Companies buy products and services all the time that they didn’t initially seek out on their own, but were approached by a sales rep. This is no different. If you can demonstrate your value to them, they may just offer you an opportunity even if they didn’t have a position open, or you can position yourself in front of the line when one does become available. Here are a few things you can do to get your foot in the door.

Connect on LinkedIn
Research the company and find out who the managers are in the department you’d like to work in. Send them and invite to connect. Express your interest in working for the company, describe your background and suitability for the position and organization.

Before connecting on LinkedIn, make sure you have researched the organization as much as you can to understand what they do, how they do it, why they do it, and how you could fit in. Find out if you know anyone who works for the company and would be willing to give you an insiders perspective.

Connect with a Recruiter
Find out if the company is using any recruiting firms that you should be connecting with. If you’re not sure where to start; connect with an HR person in the company to see if they are able to point you in the right direction. Reach out to staffing agencies that normally work with the type of positions and companies you are interested in to find out if they have any connections with the specific company you’re interested in.

Don’t wait for a company to post a job opening. Job postings are reactionary. Before a position is created and posted usually a department will bring up to management that additional staffing is needed, and then there’s a budget approval which may be immediate or for a later point in time when budget becomes available. Once a job is eventually posted on Indeed, Monster and other sites it’s possible it’s already been approved for a while, and management have already been aware for a while that they will be hiring once the budget becomes available. By connecting with them, expressing your interest and showing your suitability for their organization, you have a chance of skipping the line and be considered for the role before it’s ever even posted publicly. Don’t be afraid to reach out to companies about employment even when they don’t have any positions currently posted.

If you would like to connect with us about positions in IT, Engineering and Finance & Accounting, please click the image below and share your resume with us to be reviewed by one of our recruiters – even if we don’t currently have a matching opening on our job board.


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