Interviewing STAR technique

STAR Technique

The last couple blog posts discussed different interviewing tips for behavioral interviews, and interview misconceptions. In each of these, the S-T-A-R technique was introduced. Discussing what the STAR technique is and why it is important, will not only assist you in amplifying your interviewing skills, but will allow you to answer tough work related questions in a compelling and powerful manner.

The STAR technique:
S – Situation – Give the interviewer a background, set the scene for them.
T – Task or Target – Specifics of what was required of you, when, where, who.
A – Action – What did you do? What was your involvement? Skills used, behaviors, characteristics
R – Result – What was the final outcome? Quantify your results, WOW factor

People like hearing stories, right? What is your favorite story book, movie, TV show? Stories are an ancient proven method of getting messages across. The Harvard Business Journal wrote an article about storytelling, and how storytelling motivates people. The author writes, “In a story, you not only weave a lot of information into the telling but you also arouse your listener’s emotions and energy.” So much like the S-T-A-R method, you can motivate or persuade the person interviewing you with a story ending with an amazing result, or WOW factor.

To create this WOW factor, you must do your research. One must know where the company has been, and imagine where the company wants to be in the future. What are you going to do to help this company? Create your stories with facts and numbers to present yourself with the results they are hoping for – the WOW factor. Ultimately, the interviewer wants to know why YOU will be the best fit.

All great stories don’t have a perfect action plan and that is totally okay! It is how you respond to the action that will dig deeper into overcoming obstacles.

If you emotionally engage or energize your listener with your story, they will remember more of your answers and the messages within them, yet your message will be delivered in a friendly likable style.

The S-T-A-R technique will help in all facets of career growth, but specifically in interviewing.


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