Get Your Resume Moved to the Top: 9 Actions You Should Take

Get Your Resume Moved to the Top: 9 Actions You Should Take

Are you in between jobs, or thinking of applying for a new job? If you are looking for ways to make yourself and your resume stand out to potential employers, and separate yourself from the pack, here are 9 things you should do to give your resume, and yourself a boost, to make sure you get noticed.

Learn a new skill: Think about your ideal job. What would you like to be doing, and do you have all the skills needed to impress a potential employer? If not, look into opportunities for learning skills you will need. Not only will employers want to see you have the required skills for the job, but will also appreciate a job candidate who has a commitment to continuous learning.

  • Online courses: The internet is filled with resources for online learning classes; both free and paid for. Your local workforce office may even be able to help you pay for additional training.
  • Volunteer: Seek out volunteer opportunities where you will have a chance to learn new skills, or hone current skills.
  • Get certified: There’s no better way to show that you have the needed skills for the job than with an industry recognized certification.


Showcase your skills and expertise: In addition to putting them on your resume, showcase your skills. Posting your work online is a great way to show an employer your skill set, and can be mentioned both on a cover letter, and in an interview.

  • Put your portfolio online: Whether you’re a web or graphic designer, programmer or in a field where your work can be showcased online, be sure to have an online portfolio to show your accomplishments. There are many different sites specifically for this purpose.
  • Share your expertise: Post a long-form article (or several) on your LinkedIn profile and share your knowledge and expertise in your field of work. This is a great way to impress employers, who are just about guaranteed to check out your LinkedIn profile. And this leads us to the next item:
  • Update your LinkedIn profile: It’s almost a guarantee that employers will check out your LinkedIn profile. Make sure it is up to date with all your information. Include information about your work and educational history, ask current and former co-workers to write recommendations for you, and as mentioned above, share relevant content, and write some of your own to highlight your skills and expertise.


Work on your resume: I’ll be blunt here; most resumes are not good. Take the time to look up great looking resumes online for inspiration. Proof read it and make sure when you are done with yours, that it too looks great, showcases all of your skills, and is free of spelling and grammar errors.

  • Ask for feedback: Have someone who knows you review it. Makes sure it’s someone you know will provide honest feedback.
  • Professional review: Do you know a recruiter or hiring manager? Someone’s who’s got stellar language and grammar skills? If not, hire someone who’s a professional resume reviewer to review yours and make sure it is top notch. You want to make sure your resume is direct, to the point, and free of errors. Most recruiters will spend less than 10 seconds reviewing your resume, so you don’t want to give them a reason to toss your resume to the side.
  • Customize: Once you have a master resume, make sure to customize it to best fit each job you apply for. Each job will have different required skills and priorities, so make sure when you send over your resume, that it’s tailored to highlight your skills for that particular position.

What are some other ways you can make your resume stand out? Please share in the comments.

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