4 Things You Should Do When Preparing for an Interview

4 Things You Should Do When Preparing for an Interview

In sports, the game can sometimes be won or lost before it even starts. The team that shows up best prepared will have a better chance of winning. The same goes for your job interview. There are several things you can do before the interview to increase your chances of success.


Research the company

Before your interview, make sure you’ve spent time researching the company. Go beyond just glancing through their website. Show them that you have taken the time to really understand who they are as an organization, and why you are a good fit.

You’ll usually find all the most common information about a company on their website. But keep in mind, this is the information they have made available and what they would like you to know about them. You’ll want to dig a little deeper to have a better understanding of what’s going on behind the scenes. Here are a few other places to do research, and the kind of information you’ll want to find out:

  • Editorials
  • Annual reports
  • LinkedIn and other social media accounts

Try to find out more about:

  • Ongoing projects
  • Future plans
  • Long terms goals

Research the interviewers

If you know who you’ll be interviewing with, take a look at their social media profiles to find out more about them such as things they have posted about and things that are important to them. Try to get a feel for their overall personality and anything you might have in common.  They will be researching you online and reviewing your social profiles as well, so be sure to come to the interview equally prepared.


Prepare questions

Asking questions shows your interest and that you’re considering your future with the company.

  • Generate a list of questions
  • Practice responses
  • Ask about
    • Role expectations
    • Company culture
    • Growth opportunities

Any questions related to salary, vacation time and other benefits should be saved for the very last part of the interview process when the company is ready to make you an offer. Asking these kinds of questions too early can send the wrong signal.

Prepare copies of important documents

Make copies of your resume as well as any other important documents the employer might want to see during the interview. Have them organized and bring a copy for each person you’ll be meeting with in case they don’t have a copy. Don’t assume that everyone will have a copy even if you’ve sent them in previously. They may even be testing your ability to organize and prepare.


Learn more about how to successfully prepare for an interview in this recording of our “Preparing for a Successful Interview” webinar.

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