Possessives vs. Contractions One of the most common resume grammar mistakes made by job seekers is the confusing words of possession, and words that are simply contractions of two words. The most common example of this mistake is using the word “your” or “you’re” interchangeably. The word “your” is possessive and describes something belonging to “you.” The word “you’re” is a contraction of the words “you” and “are,” and it implies action rather than possession. If you are unsure of the difference when you read a sentence where you see “you’re”, read out the two words “you are”, this may help identify if it is used correctly. Homophones Homophones are words that sound the same but have different spellings and meanings. Common homophones include “two”, “too” and “to”, as well as “their”, “they’re” and “there.” The misuse of these words will not be corrected using spell check. These words can only be caught by an informed reader, who knows the difference. Be sure to proofread your resume. If you are not sure if your use of the words is correct, have a friend or family member review it. You don’t want interviewers to think you simply lack attention to detail.
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