While searching for a new job, we recommend you do your research on companies before applying. Most companies want to make sure you are a great culture fit, as well as a fit for the role. Making sure you align with the company’s culture will be a time saver for you.
When an interviewer is evaluating if your skills are a fit for the job, they will ask questions to help THEM mentally answer questions like the ones below:
- Does this candidate have the knowledge skills and abilities necessary for the job?
- What are their past experiences? Have the experiences prepared the applicant for this job?
- Do the strengths of the position match up with the applicants strengths?
- Will the candidate be challenged with this role? Overwhelmed? Or bored?
While prepping for your interview, make sure to keep these in mind. Knowing what the interviewer is looking for will help you determine if YOU will be a fit for the job as well.
Having the skills for a job could get you an interview but fitting into the organization may even be more critical. During an interview the interviewer is also thinking about answers to questions like these to help with the selection process for the candidates cultural fit:
- Is our organization’s work meaningful to the applicant? Do they value what we do?
- Will they make a difference within our organization? Will this person naturally perform in ways consistent with how things are currently done?
- Does the applicant’s values match up with with the core values of the organization?
How well a candidate fits the culture of a workplace can make the difference between, application to interview success or failure. Research proves that candidates selected on the basis of culture fit AND job fit perform better, contribute faster and stay longer with an organization than those who are just hired based on skill/job fit.