6 Free Online Resume Tools

6 Free Online Resume Tools

When submitting your resume to an employer, it’s important that it’s organized in a way that’s easy for a recruiter or hiring manager to follow. Here are a few free online resume tools to check out to help you find a layout that will fit your needs and present your career story and information in an engaging way.


Google Docs

This is Google’s version of Microsoft’s Word program. There are several different templates you can use to create and edit your resume.



This is a great online tool that walks you through each section of your resume step-by-step in an easy drag-and-drop format. There are many different styles to choose from to find a perfect look. Once you’ve completed your resume it can be easily exported.



Start out by selecting a resume template, and from there Resume Genius will walk you through the rest of the steps to put together a professional looking resume.



Zety has online building tools for CVs, resumes and cover letters. In addition to their online builders there are also various templates and educational courses and articles. This is a great source if you’re looking for additional resources in addition to just creating a resume.



If you already have a great LinkedIn resume, Standardresume.co will help you convert that into a resume you can use to send to employers as well as share online in different formats.



Canva is known for having great graphic design tools to create infographics and other types of images and graphics to share online. They also have a resume building section with over 50,000 great-looking resume templates to choose from. If you’re looking for a more stylish and colorful style of resume, you’ll be able to find it here.


These are just a few of the many available resume-building tools available. Find the one that will best meet your needs and get started on your updated resume. Even if you’re currently working and not looking for a new job, it’s still a good idea to find an easy to use tool that will allow you to quickly make updates such as projects you’ve completed or other achievements you’d like to add to your resume while it’s still fresh on your mind. When you’re working with an iMPact recruiter, they’ll assist you with your resume to best meet what each individual employer is looking for.


Find a job with iMPact

Find out about our currently available opportunities in Information Technology, Accounting/Finance, Engineering, and Business Administration/Process!  Visit our job board,or, submit your resume here for general consideration to connect with one of our experienced recruiters in either our Grand Rapids, MI, or Tampa, FL location.


What other online resume tools do you like? Please let us know in the comments below!


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