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5 Recruiting Myths – BUSTED

About four years ago I had the same perception of recruiters and recruiting agencies as I am sure you do. Why use a recruiter when I can respond to ads in the paper, magazines, or online job boards (Monster, Career Builder, Indeed, etc.)?

Now that I work for iMPact Business Group, an executive staffing and recruiting firm, my entire perception has changed! My perception has not changed because of my title and what I do, but because I see the benefits of using the services we provide, and how hard our Recruiters and Account Managers work to find each of our candidates, and place them with our excellent clients.

During my last couple years I have come up with the top 5 recruiting myths, and I want to BUST them for you.

  • MYTH #1 – As a candidate I will need to pay a recruiter for services. THE #1 question we get from our candidates. How much will it cost me? Busted: The recruiter is paid by the employer/client company, not you as the candidate. This is why recruiters will look out for your best interests – it’s in their best interest, too!
  • MYTH #2 – All the jobs I am looking for are on the job boards. I don’t need a recruiter for that. Busted: When a candidate works with a recruiter, you gain access to the “hidden” job market. Many companies do not use national job boards because they know they are too time consuming, too expensive, or realize people aren’t using them anymore. Companies will also use recruiting services for contract positions and confidential replacements. Companies know that time is money and having a critical role vacancy could cost them a bunch of money. They also know that the best talent is produced through a recruiter who they have partnered with. Companies like ours, know what they do, the company’s culture, etc., and provide the best candidate fit for the role. The recruiter can produce 3-5 candidates available for an interview with a relatively short period of time – saving time and money.
  • MYTH #3 – I will only be submitted to jobs that the recruiting agency is working with. Busted: Recruiters will target specific companies that use your specific skill set. If they are not currently working with the company, they will try! Remember, they are looking out for your best interest. If you want to be a part of a specific organization, just let the recruiter know which company, and allow the recruiter to use their contacts to try to make it happen.
  • MYTH #4 – I am a good at job interviews, I don’t need a recruiter to tell me how to interview. BUSTED: A recruiter does not tell you how to interview. A recruiter can simply provide you with valuable insight on the company (including culture, personality, etc.) to improve the chances of a successful hire. You may be a good at interviewing, but the recruiter can help even more.
  • MYTH #5 – Recruiters are rude and unresponsive. Busted: OUCH! This statement makes us cringe whenever we hear it. Not all recruiters are like this. A candidate may once in a while encounter a bad situation in their recruiting process, it doesn’t make the entire industry bad. As matter of fact, a recruiter really wants to make your experience enjoyable so they can build a long mutually beneficial relationship with you. My suggestion, is to partner with a firm you feel comfortable with.


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iMPact Business Group is a staffing agency specializing in Information Technology, Engineering, Finance/Accounting, and Business Administration/Process positions. To connect with one of our professional recruiters, view our job board for all available positions, or submit your resume for consideration here. Click here to learn more about our available work from home opportunities and to submit your resume for consideration.


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