Interviewing Tip: Confidence vs. Arrogance

Interviewing Tip: Confidence vs. Arrogance

Interviewing with confidence is key to landing a new job, but being too confident and coming across as arrogant can lead you down a different path. Here are some ways to assert confidence, without coming across arrogant to the interviewer.

Interview Attire

  • Conservative attire is best for a job interview. Wearing a simply tailored, dark-colored suit, shirt and tie or blouse with minimal accessories doesn’t distract the interviewer from your qualifications. When interviewers are meeting you for the first time they generally have only your physical appearance by which to judge you. If your attire is flashy, you could be perceived as arrogant.
  • Your posture can portray you as arrogant, so be cognizant of the way you sit or stand. When you’re interacting with an interviewer, look straight ahead right in the eyes. Avoid tilting your head up or back slightly, if you do this, it looks as though you are looking down on the interviewers, which could be perceived as arrogant.
  • Confidence is perfectly acceptable during an interview; however, if you display too much of it, the interviewer might think you’re arrogant or that you believe you’re the sole expert in your field. Interviewers and hiring managers will likely be more impressed by your ability to communicate on a number of different levels.
  • Talk about teamwork and collaboration. Employers are interested in candidates who can mesh well with the workplace culture. Rarely is anyone successful on her own without help from others. Recognize the roles that others played in your career is a great way to show your humility toward others.

Following these tips will definitely help show your confidence in an interview over being perceived as arrogant!

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