5 Ways to Stay Positive During a Job Search

Searching for jobs is not always pleasant; and going through what can be frustrating a bit of an emotional roller coaster while applying for jobs, can have in impact on your job search and how you come across to employers both in applications and in interviews. It’s important to keep your mind focused and in a positive state to avoid coming across as frustrated or desperate to potential employers and hiring managers. Here are a few things you can do to help.


Take a break

It’s easy to put a lot of pressure on yourself while applying for a job, and getting stressed out. Make sure you allow yourself some time to yourself and take a break. Take a night or weekend off, do something fun to get your mind off of the job search. Come back with a fresh set of eyes and a rejuvenated mind to tackle the job search again. While you should treat your job search like a job, at the same time, enjoy the extra time. Sleep in, take long breaks, catch up on your favorite Netflix shows. But, make sure you have a check list of what you need to accomplish each day so you can look back at the end of each day knowing you accomplished what you set out to do. If it helps, create a schedule for yourself to stick to each day.


It’s not personal

If you don’t hear back or you get a rejection note about a job after applying or interviewing, don’t take it personal. You might wonder what another candidate had that you don’t. There are numerous variables that go into the hiring decision process. The position might have been filled by an internal candidate, or there might have been other reasons why they chose to go with a different candidate that had nothing to do with you. Getting a ‘no’ happens, but don’t let it get you down, think of it as being a step closer to getting a ‘yes’ from another employer.


What are you doing right?

It’s easy to get frustrated and lost in negative feelings. However, don’t lose sight of the things you are doing right, that are taking you a step closer to your next job. Take a moment to list out what you’re doing well in your job search so far. Are you going to networking events, doing the proper company research before an interview, reaching out to recruiters in your field, talking to friends and former colleagues, volunteering doing something your passionate about; or any other activities that will help in your job search? Write them out as accomplishments and make notes of additional things you could be doing. It’s important to focus on the positive things going on in your job search to stay up-beat and positive. When you’re networking, interviewing and talking to people, they’ll notice the difference. When you feel yourself losing your motivation, remind yourself of what’s going well.


Stay active

It’s easy to become a couch potato, keeping to yourself and staying inside when times are tough such as during a job search. But this is the time to do the opposite. Keep yourself active. Go to the gym, take your dog for long walks, or participate in other physical activities. This will reduce stress, help clear your mind and feel energized.


Educate yourself

There’s no better time than when you’re unemployed to gain new skills. Gaining new knowledge is a great way to keep your spirits high, as well as add new skills to your resume and show potential employers that you are teachable and like to learn new things. Get a certification, read up on industry news or any new skill that employers might be looking for.


If you’re in the process of finding a new job, or considering changing jobs, we’d love to hear from you. Click the banner below to submit your resume and connect with one of our recruiters to discuss potential career opportunities.

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