13 Reasons Why It's Time for a Job or Career Change

13 Reasons Why It Might Be Time for a Job or Career Change

  1. Lack Passion

Has the honeymoon phase long passed? If you’re not waking up feeling excited about going into work anymore, and your enthusiasm for the contributions you are making is gone, it’s a good reason to look for a new, exciting opportunity. It could be a new position within the company, or perhaps time to look for a fresh start in a new environment to invigorate your career.


  1. Company not doing well

This one is pretty obvious. Are the sales number starting to trend down? If you hear others in the organization start talking about leaving, or rumors about potential layoffs, then these are good signs you’ll want to stay ahead of the game and look at what else is out there. Even if you do like your job, in a situation like this, it doesn’t hurt to keep your job and career options open and explore the market.

It's time for a job or career change if the company is not doing well.
If your company is not doing well – it’s time to consider a job or career change.
  1. Dislike people you work with

Sometimes you just don’t like the people you work with, or your boss. You can try to work it out, but sometimes it’s not possible and it’s best to make a career move.


  1. Feeling stressed and negative at work

A combination of reasons can lead to feeling stressed out or unhappy just thinking about going to work. With global competition, downsizing, as well as many internal and personal reasons, feeling stressed out at work has become much more commonplace.


  1. Don’t fit in with the corporate culture

Has the corporate culture changed since you joined the company? Maybe it just wasn’t quite the right fit to begin with. If you feel there are ethical or moral differences, or stark overall personality differences, these are signs that the company you are with will not be a good long term fit for your career.


  1. Work-life balance

As many companies are trying to do “more with less”, it is usually the employees that end up having to take on more responsibilities with no added pay. If you are finding yourself in a situation where you’re having to work late or weekends just to get everything done, it is time to look for a solution. If your company is not willing to provide some support, then it might be time to break it off.


  1. Skills and ideas not being recognized

You have other skills to contribute that are being overlooked by management. Maybe you’ve been passed up for promotions or other job openings within the organization. You’re no longer being asked to work on new assignments or your ideas are not being listened to. These are all signs that it might be time to look for a new opportunity.


  1. Job duties have changed, but pay hasn’t

It’s easy to get stuck in a job or career you don’t love because it is comfortable and over time your employer may start giving you more responsibilities and job duties without increasing your pay. If this happens, you should consider leaving. Especially if the company is doing well or you have been receiving positive feedback. Don’t allow yourself to get stuck with a stingy employer who’s just trying to see how much they can get away with.


  1. Bad manager

You might have the best job in the world, but a bad manager can make you dread the drive into work every day. We’ve all had that manager that’s too overly emotional and gets erratic, or doesn’t really know how to do their job.  Maybe you just don’t get along well. If it doesn’t look like there’s going to be a way you will get along with your boss after talking to them or going to HR, it’s time to consider other career options.


  1. Not challenging enough

If you are in a job that’s not making you feel challenged, it’s easy to slip into bad work habits and lose your enthusiasm. Are there opportunities for advancement or to take on more/different responsibilities with your current organization? If not, it’s time to explore options that are more aligned with your skills and interests.


  1. Too challenging

It’s important to be given some tasks that will take you out of your comfort zone. This will make the job more challenging, rewarding, and help you grow in your role. However, you don’t want to feel like you are constantly under water or that can never keep up. If so, it’s time to evaluate how it’s impacting you, your work and your personal life. Is the stress and anxiety carrying over into your personal life as well? It’s time to make a career or job change and move on.


  1. Your skills aren’t a fit for what you’re good at or enjoy

Sure, you might be a wiz at creating spreadsheets and overseeing projects. But you might hate doing these tasks. Sometimes what we’re good at isn’t what we enjoy doing. If your job is forcing you to use more of the skills you don’t enjoy, while the skills you do enjoy are left on the sidelines, you’ll be miserable, and it’ll be time to find an opportunity where you are able to utilize more of the skills that you enjoy every day.


  1. You hate your job

Sure, it’s easy to get comfortable in your daily routine, the benefits, vacation days etc. Maybe the job you really want doesn’t pay as much. But if you don’t like what you do and hate going to work every day, it’s time to evaluate your career options and what’s going to make you happy.


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